Adam Ness is gearing up to release new music and Opening on tour for Eryn Allen Kane

I honestly couldn't be more excited to release new music this November! I'd say that I'm well in due timing, seeing as to how I refuse to write new music until I record and release whats real and in front of me now. My new sounds are completley indicative of who I am as well as where I am in my life. You can expect 808's and hypnotizing melodious guitar loops with raunchy and factual lyrical content. There's a story of misplaced love and the recession of love language amongst ppl esp Black ppl! I believe that if we can regain our empowerment by customizing our own love languages that we can began to unite in more ways that it counts. Plus the worlds a stiff dangerous and dark place in need of a lil overt spice and truth. Single coming out Aug 7, 2018
